Federal Estate and Gift Tax Exemption Now $13.99 million

Beginning in 2025 the Estate and Gift Tax exemption for all citizens is $13.99 million dollars. In addition, a surviving spouse can also include the unused portion of their deceased spouse exemption. The new law makes the exemption “portable” between spouses. For example, if the first spouse to die uses only $2 million dollars of his exemption the surviving spouse will be able to exclude $25,220,000.00 million dollars of her estate from Federal Estate and Gift Tax.

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What Difference Does A Will Make?

What Is A Will?

A will is a writing signed at the end by a person at least eighteen (18) years of age and of sound mind wherein that person directs the distribution of property at death. The Will may also appoint guardians of the estates of minors who receive property under the Will.

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